
The best program for framing mobile screenshots, guaranteed.

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Scrotter for WindowsScrotter for Android

About Scrotter

Scrotter is an application written in Visual Basic .NET that allows users to place a screenshot from their smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device into a frame of any supported device, and then export their creation as an image.

The name "Scrotter" is a portmanteau: SCReenshOT framER.

Scrotter supports BMP, JPG, and PNG.

You can read the changelog here.

Scrotter for Windows is released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c, which may be read here.

Installing Scrotter

On Windows

  1. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 if it is not already installed. This comes built-in with Windows 8 and above, and is a free download for XP, Vista, and 7.
  2. Download the latest official release by clicking the button to the right, or download any version from our archive.

On GNU/Linux or OS X with Mono

  1.  Install Mono.
  2. Install the packages libmono-winforms2.0-cil and libmono-microsoft-visualbasic10.0-cil through your package manager of choice.
  3. Run mono scrotter.exe.

Please note: GNU/Linux is supported, but is not always tested. Scrotter may entirely fail to run under a Mono environment and, if that is the case, please submit an issue report. Please be sure to also try reverting to an older version of Scrotter, in order to check for possible environment issues.

On GNU/Linux or OS X with Wine

  1.  Install Wine and winetricks.
  2. Execute winetricks dotnet40 gdiplus and install the package lib32-libxml2 through your package manager of choice.
  3. Run wine scrotter.exe.

Development & Contribution

Getting started

  • Clone Scrotter if you haven't already.
  • Locate the project folder on your local filesystem.
  • Open the .sln (solution) file with your editor of preference - Visual Basic 2010 and 2012 (Express or otherwise) should both work. .NET Framework 4 (linked above) is required.


  • Feel free to compile locally. The standard Build > Build Solution option in Visual Studio 2012 is used for official builds.
  • Builds are NOT released for the master branch - builds will only be compiled and published for each version. The master branch is extremely experimental, and only those that know how to compile should test it.
  • Official builds are also NGEN'd for performance improvements. This is done with ngen install scrotter.exe at the VS2012 command line.


  • Fork the project and make pull requests to vb and Designer.vb files.


Before beginning, be sure you DON'T have Scrotter installed on your computer. If so, uninstall it from the installation directory. The directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Scrotter should NOT exist.

  1. Update the Version and ReleaseDate variables in Scrotter.vb.
  2. Compile using the Release tree.
  3. NGEN ./scrotter/obj/Release/scrotter.exe as described under Compiling.
  4. Copy ./scrotter/obj/Release/scrotter.exe to ./latest/scrotter.exe
  5. Update the ./latest/latest file to match the new version. Make sure there is no newline at the end. Be sure to edit using UTF-8 endings, not ANSI ones.
  6. Install NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System).
  7. Open ./installation/NSIS Quick Setup Script Generator.exe and import the ./installation/Scrotter.ini project.
  8. After configuring version settings, under "Include License", point it to the file at ./installation/LICENSE.txt.
  9. Click Next, and then point the Main exe to ./latest/scrotter.exe before clicking Next again.
  10. Generate to ./latest/installer.exe.
  11. Push a commit titled "Release v#".
  12. Finally, add a new tag with git tag -a v#.# -m 'Beta v#.#' and execute git push --tags.

Issues & Suggestions

  • If you have suggestions or issue reports, please post them in the issues section.
  • If you wish to request a new device, please see this page on doing so.